Yep, that the new autism prevalence number in the US according to a new report released earlier this month by the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html
The good news? Apparently the rise is mostly due to better diagnosis- specifically of African American children.
The bad news? We still aren’t catching everyone.
Why? That depends.
It depends on your insurance coverage- sadly. But there are solutions for this problem. Ask! If you live in Indiana, My Autism Ally can help!
It depends on where you live and your ability access to a diagnostician. Rural areas have a lot less options. Transportation problems are a real barrier, regardless of what zip code you live.
It depends on your understanding of why your child needs a diagnosis- for example “I don’t want my child to be labeled.” - Let’s debunk this right now. Without a label, your child will never access available resources. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. Problems that can be easily solved at 3 years old, become behaviors with no easy solutions at 13 years old. Remember someday your child will get as big as you are- probably bigger and stronger.
It depends on your gender. Yes, girls can have autism too! She is not “just shy”.
In some areas, it depends on your race/ethnicity. Autism doesn’t discriminate.
It depends on your doctor/pediatrician. If your doctor says “wait until they’re older for testing”- ask “Why?” Reliable testing for autism is available for children as young as TWO YEARS OLD throughout Indiana and the United States.
When my son was diagnosed, the rates were 1:150. That was 16 years ago. The autism club has gotten a lot bigger and diverse and I’ve met so many wonderful, unique people on the journey. Don’t worry, you will too!
Welcome to the club!
It depends on your