
Yep, that the new autism prevalence number in the US according to a new report released earlier this month by the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

The good news? Apparently the rise is mostly due to better diagnosis- specifically of African American children.

The bad news? We still aren’t catching everyone.

Why? That depends.

  • It depends on your insurance coverage- sadly. But there are solutions for this problem. Ask! If you live in Indiana, My Autism Ally can help!

  • It depends on where you live and your ability access to a diagnostician. Rural areas have a lot less options. Transportation problems are a real barrier, regardless of what zip code you live.

  • It depends on your understanding of why your child needs a diagnosis- for example “I don’t want my child to be labeled.” - Let’s debunk this right now. Without a label, your child will never access available resources. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. Problems that can be easily solved at 3 years old, become behaviors with no easy solutions at 13 years old. Remember someday your child will get as big as you are- probably bigger and stronger.

  • It depends on your gender. Yes, girls can have autism too! She is not “just shy”.

  • In some areas, it depends on your race/ethnicity. Autism doesn’t discriminate.

  • It depends on your doctor/pediatrician. If your doctor says “wait until they’re older for testing”- ask “Why?” Reliable testing for autism is available for children as young as TWO YEARS OLD throughout Indiana and the United States.

When my son was diagnosed, the rates were 1:150. That was 16 years ago. The autism club has gotten a lot bigger and diverse and I’ve met so many wonderful, unique people on the journey. Don’t worry, you will too!

Welcome to the club!

It depends on your


Behavior is Communication!


Thank You Siblings!