Sharing YOUR Autism Story can make a difference!
Medicaid cuts are nothing new to those of us in the disability community. However, the multiple changes that are being proposed to multiple funding streams at both the state and federal levels, are putting Hoosier autistics and their families at risk. Our families rely on Medicaid, Public School and Department of Education resources. Although many are celebrating the decision to not make ABA Therapy caps retroactive, there is plenty for autism families to be concerned about in the proposed legislation. Lifetime caps will now be in place as well as limits to services based on autism diagnosis level. Once again our Level One autistics are being treated as if their low visible needs means they have EASY AUTISM and therefore do not need as much early intervention. Nothing could be further from the truth.
We have opportunities to meet with local northeast Indiana legislators. Our agenda is to share your story. We are a non profit that advocates for Hoosier autistics and their families. We are NOT a Medicaid Provider. We do not have a financial stake in the outcome. We will share YOUR concerns with lawmakers. Hoosier autistics deserve to have access to medically necessary treatment, proper individualized supports, the ability to their lives with dignity and the opportunity to actively participate in their local communities.
Please be as specific as possible when sharing! Tell us how ABA Therapy has impacted your family and your autistic loved one. Share with us how Medicaid cuts or how changes to the Medicaid Waiver Program would affect your family; including financial concerns, life skills acquisition, behavior goals and public education transition and placement concerns.
You can WRITE your story.
You can VIDEO your story - scroll down.
If you want to write click here. Follow the prompts. By submitting your written story, you are granting us permission to use and share your story with others for advocacy purposes.
When possible, let autistics tell their own story.
Click here If you want to video your story, Below are step by step instructions. Submit a video (2 minutes max) and we will take your video with us to the statehouse. By submitting a video, you are granting us permission to use and share your recorded story for advocacy purposes.
Click on the "+" (more attachment types) and select "video recorder."
Make sure your microphone is selected in the dropdown below the video screen.
Record your message (2 minutes maximum). Do not use the filters.
Be as specific as possible! Share how ABA Therapy has impacted your family and your autistic loved one. Share with us how Medicaid cuts would affect your family, including financial concerns, life skills acquisition, behavior goals and public education transition and placement concerns. Show us what your autism journey looks like!
Pause your recording and click "Next." Then click "Save."
For the subject, type your first and last name.
For the caption, type your address or zip code (this will be used to pair with the correct representative).
For the main text area, type what age your child was diagnosed. Share how long you’ve been on wait lists or how old your child is now.
Click "Publish."
It may show you a box with a silly code name. You can change this to your name and click "Done."