Sensory Cuts Scholarships
Sensory Cuts is a one of a kind program that has been specifically designed to create a more comfortable hair cutting atmosphere for individuals who struggle with sensory processing disorders and other disabilities such as autism. After completing the program, you child will have the tools necessary to go to the stylist of your choice and be successful.
Due to the therapeutic approach of this program, it is important to note that your child may not receive a haircut upon the first few visits. Taylor’s first priority is the comfort of your kiddo during a haircut. Her second priority is the actual haircut! You will work together to try and achieve a haircut on each visit, but if a haircut is not possible you will spend the time desensitizing, building relationship, and working up to receiving the haircut. For additional information about Taylor and Sensory Cuts go to
My Autism Ally wants to help families affected by autism and sensory processing disorder that cannot afford the cost of the Sensory Cuts program in our area. If you are in need of financial assistance, we invite you to apply for a scholarship. You must be able to schedule 5 sessions with Taylor within a 10 week time frame. You will be asked to submit personal and financial information to determine your eligibility and the level of your scholarship support. You can download and print the application by clicking on the button below. If you do not have the ability to print the application, call - 260-207-4686 or email us at and we will gladly mail you a print application.
Many thanks to AWS Foundation for making this program available to our autism community.
If you are interested in sponsoring the Sensory Cuts Scholarship program, contact us at
Customized autism training to fit your needs

My Autism Ally provides free autism training to support groups, service groups, government agencies and non-profit organizations. If you are a for profit organization, please contact us at for our fee schedule.
Trainings can be customized to meet the needs of your group. Topics include but are not limited to:
Autism 101
Behavior is Communication: Sensory Processing and Autism Spectrum Disorder
911- First Responder Training
Hygiene, Puberty and Sexuality on the Autism Spectrum
Medicaid Waiver - What is it? How to apply?
Staff training- How to interact with those affected by autism