Did you know about… Sensory Cuts?

How does your individual with autism do at haircuts? Let me guess, not well. Then you need to check out this podcast. Today we are speaking with Taylor Talamantes, owner and operator of Sensory Cuts here in Fort Wayne, IN. She opened her shop early 2020 she has kept in mind of her years of experience in ABA as a RBT to create a salon that caters to those with sensory difficulties. Her therapeutic approach to haircuts allows the individual to overcome their fear and anxiety and leave with tools that they can use at any barbershop or salon.

Starting in January 2022, My Autism Ally will be partnering with Sensory Cuts, offering a scholarship program for those in need of assistance. Go to our website and click on Programs for more information. https://www.myautismally.org/programs

Website: Sensory Cuts

Facebook: Sensory Cuts

Book an appointment: Sensory Cuts


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